Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Early Garden Pix

It was a long cool Spring, not sure that's over yet, but Katie and I finally got the garden planted, and most of the plants are coming up nicely...

 Early bloomers behind the garage
 Topsy-Turvey Strawberries
Under the cherry tree

 More potatoes, squash, melons, pumpkins with carrots and beets in between
 Peas... we need to get the netting up so they can climb
 Corn, radishes, and still waiting for lettuce, carrots, beets
Broccoli, tomatoes, onions and basil
Mmmm... strawberries -  the ground variety
 Zucchini, beans, beets and more (later) corn

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Visit for Anna's Birthday

Jenny and I traveled to Indy the weekend of the Indy 500 to attend Anna's first birthday party.  The girls were as cute as ever!